Monday, April 19, 2010

One Week Carbon Cleanse

Earth week is here and it officially started yesterday, Sunday. Besides making plans on attending the usual local Earth Day Festival, this year I decided to do something different to honor Mother Earth.  So, I opted to join 'No Impact Man' Colin Beavan Earth Week Challenge called the 'No Impact Experiment'.  It is and eight day carbon cleansing journey that empowers an individual about how to end or decrease the crises in our environment through individual action of sustainability in our daily lives.  Hopefully, the experiment will lead to living a happier existence on Earth.

During the 'No Impact Experiment' week  I will be learning, living, and adapting to earth friendly solutions of sustainability.   Each day is built on a new sustainable goal that will be the focus throughout the day, and each day is built on the day before.  For instance, no new purchases are to be made on Sunday (yesterday), food is the only exception.  Today is no trash Monday.  Tomorrow is sustainable transportation Tuesday, and eating local on Wednesday.  Thursday is energy conservation day, and waste no water is scheduled on Friday.  By Saturday we pay it forward, and Eco-Sabbath happens on Sunday. By the eighth carbon cleansing day (Eco-Sabbath a time for reflection) I should not be shopping for new goods, not making trash, traveling using sustainable transportation, eating locally, using less energy, conserving water, and to be of service by volunteering at least once to a local environmental campaign.

With all that said,  I am definitely up for the Earth Week Carbon Cleanse Experiment.

How about you?   What are your Earth Day goals for this year?

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